Mississippi Summer Leadership Camp
Are you ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime? On this five day trip, you will be part of the crew as we travel down the river. Each day we will wake up, cook breakfast, load up the boats and paddle approximately 20 miles on the river. While on the water you will help maneuver the boat, and learn from the experienced guides about how to navigate on the water.
We will stop along the way to go for walks, swims or learn about the wildlife along the Mississippi. You’ll learn how to cook over a fire and set up camp. Each night you’ll sleep on beautiful sandy beaches along the river.
Community Canoe Trip Helena
Join us for a half day trip on the Mississippi River. We will leave from our office in Helena and travel up river to Buck Island.
$50/ adult
$10/youth under 18
Bring a water bottle and lunch for the trip. We will provide all equipment including life jackets.
Register Online or contact us to register.
Storm Creek Family Day
Join us for a day of family fun at Storm Creek!
Free and open to everyone.
Available activities include:
-Guided kayaking trip
-Guided bike tours
-Learning activities about plants and animals
Transportation available from Helena to Storm Creek. Contact us to schedule transportation.
Community Canoe- Clarksdale
Join us for a half day canoe trip on the Sunflower River. No experience or equipment necessary!
Adults- $25
Youth under 18 $5
Register Online Or contact us to let us know you are coming!
Community Canoe- Helena
Join us for a short half day trip on the Mississippi River. No experience or equipment necessary.
Adults $50
Youth under 18 $10
Community Canoe- Clarksdale
Join us for a short half day trip on the Sunflower River. No experience or equipment necessary.
$25 for adults
$5 for youth under 18
Call 870-228-2421 or email info@lowermsfoundaiton.org to register

Fall Color Kayak Tour- Partner Program
Saturday November 3, 2018
2:00 p.m. - Fall Color Kayak Tour of Bear Creek Lake Bear Creek Lake Swim Beach 1.5 hours
Mother Nature knows how to dress for any occasion, but she often saves her most stunning colors for fall. Of course the scene is always different from year to year and it is hard to predict if or when we will have peak color. Join a park interpreter to marvel at the splendid colors found in nature as we paddle around Bear Creek Lake. We will discuss what conditions are necessary to create the best fall colors and what happens the years they are not so great. All skill levels welcome. We will cover basic paddling techniques before we get started and make sure everyone is comfortable in their kayak. Cost is $12 per person. Everyone must wear a lifejacket at all times. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Register by calling the visitor center at 870-295-4040

Full Moon Kayak Tour: Partner Program
Hosted by Mississippi River State Park
Saturday October 20, 2018
6:15 p.m. - Full Moon Kayak Tour Bear Creek Lake Swim Beach 1.5 hours
Kayaking is a great way to experience Bear Creek Lake. The almost full moon will rise before the sun sets, giving us the perfect setting to view wildlife along the water’s edge. All skill levels welcome. We will cover basic paddling techniques before we get started and make sure everyone is comfortable in their kayak. All kayakers should have a light on board so please provide your own head lamp or other light device. Cost is $12 per person, bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours. Everyone must wear a lifejacket at all times. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Register by calling the visitor center 870-295-4040.

Steamboat PowerPoint and Children’s Craft- Partner Program
Hosted by Delta Cultural Center
Date: Saturday, October 13
Location: Delta Cultural Center Visitor Center
Time: 10 am- 12 pm
The waterways of the Arkansas Delta have had a wide variety of uses throughout the years,
including its use for transportation during the 1800’s. Meet education coordinator Richard
Spilman at the Delta Cultural Center Visitor Center to discover the uses of steamboats in the
1800’s and early 1900’s. There will also be a children’s steamboat craft. The presentation goes
from 10 am- 10:45 am and the craft goes from 10 am- 12 pm.

Water/Ways Closing and River Clean Up
It's the last day of the Water/Ways exhibit before it moves on to it's next location. The exhibit has let us explore the our relationship with water so we thought this would be a good opportunity to give back to the river! Join us for a clean up of the Sunflower River and closing ceremony of Water/Ways.
Wear long pants and sleeves you can get dirty! Trash bags and gloves provided for all participants.

Hornor Neck Kayak Tour: Partner Program
Hornor Neck Lake is a wetland lake teeming with wildlife making it a perfect place to go kayaking. There is usually something to see flying in the air, swimming through the water, perched in the trees and nestled in the ground. We will review paddling techniques but familiarity with paddling is recommended for this tour. Cost is $12 per person, bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours. Everyone must wear a lifejacket at all times. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Register by calling the visitor center @ 870-295-4040

Swimming and Civil Rights: Partner Program
Hosted by Coahoma Collevtive
Clarksdale non-profit, Coahoma Collective, will host a panel discussion on the history of access to swimming pools in Clarksdale and the Mississippi Delta and how that impacts current social issues. The panel includes local residents who were directly impacted by the closing of the Clarksdale swimming pool or who have stories of relatives affected by it and civil rights scholars.
Half Price Sunflower River Rentals
Quapaw Canoe is offering 1/2 off all canoe, kayak and stand up paddle board rentals on the Sunflower River
Call to schedule or drop by

Adult Watercolor Class with John Ruskey
Join Clarksdale artist, John Ruskey for a free watercolor lesson. Hosted by Clarksdale public library.
Youth Art Exhibit Opening- Clarksdale
WaterWays is a traveling Smithsonian exhibit that will be in Clarksdale this fall. As part of the exhibit we will be hosting youth art exhibitions in Helena and Clarksdale. Local students are encouraged to submit artwork to be displayed at the exhibition. Students may choose to sell their work or have it returned to them at the end of the exhibit (suggested price, $10/piece). All proceeds will be returned to the schools to be used at the teacher’s discretion.
How to Participate:
All groups wishing to showcase work should schedule an in-class visit from an LMRF educator and/or a tour of the WaterWays exhibit prior to beginning the project. We strongly encourage all groups to schedule a field trip to view the exhibit for all students who wish to submit work. The exhibit is in Clarksdale from Aug 31st- Oct 13th.
Submission Criteria:
Water is central to human existence, it shapes how and where we live, it plays a role in culture, tradition, art and music. The WaterWays exhibit explores the ways water plays a role in our everyday lives. Submissions should also reflect the role that water plays in our lives. All submissions should be accompanied by a short explanation of how the art reflects the artist’s personal relationship with water. Each entry should include artists name, age, school and cost for purchasing the work.
Art Opening Reception:
Students and families are invited to attend an opening reception for the art exhibit
Helena: Thursday, Sept 27th 5pm- 7pm
Clarksdale: Saturday, Sept 29th 12pm-1pm
How to Submit:
Entries should be delivered to LMRF’s offices in Clarksdale or Helena by Tuesday Sept 25th.
291 Sunflower Ave, Clarksdale MS
107 Perry St, Helena, AR
Contact Information
Shannon McMulkin
Lower Mississippi River Foundation

Life in the River
Join the University of Mississippi's Biology Department to explore the life in the Sunflower River. We'll have microscopes set up to view plankton and nets for catching fish and macroinvertebrates. Great experience for learners of all ages!
Youth Art Exhibit Opening- Helena
WaterWays is a traveling Smithsonian exhibit that will be in Clarksdale this fall. As part of the exhibit we will be hosting youth art exhibitions in Helena and Clarksdale. Local students are encouraged to submit artwork to be displayed at the exhibition. Students may choose to sell their work or have it returned to them at the end of the exhibit (suggested price, $10/piece). All proceeds will be returned to the schools to be used at the teacher’s discretion.
How to Participate:
All groups wishing to showcase work should schedule an in-class visit from an LMRF educator and/or a tour of the WaterWays exhibit prior to beginning the project. We strongly encourage all groups to schedule a field trip to view the exhibit for all students who wish to submit work. The exhibit is in Clarksdale from Aug 31st- Oct 13th.
Submission Criteria:
Water is central to human existence, it shapes how and where we live, it plays a role in culture, tradition, art and music. The WaterWays exhibit explores the ways water plays a role in our everyday lives. Submissions should also reflect the role that water plays in our lives. All submissions should be accompanied by a short explanation of how the art reflects the artist’s personal relationship with water. Each entry should include artists name, age, school and cost for purchasing the work.
Art Opening Reception:
Students and families are invited to attend an opening reception for the art exhibit
Helena: Thursday, Sept 27th 5pm- 7pm
Clarksdale: Saturday, Sept 29th 12pm-1pm
How to Submit:
Entries should be delivered to LMRF’s offices in Clarksdale or Helena by Tuesday Sept 25th.
291 Sunflower Ave, Clarksdale MS
107 Perry St, Helena, AR
Contact Information
Shannon McMulkin
Lower Mississippi River Foundation

Autumn Kayak Tour- Partner Program
Hosted by Mississippi River State Park
Storm Creek Lake Swim Beach 1.5 hours
The leaves might not be changing yet, but the temperatures should be a little cooler. So join a park interpreter for a casual paddle around Storm Creek Lake. We have seen deer, raccoons, and other wildlife as we explore the coves and observe nature on Crowley’s Ridge. Cost is $12 per person, bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours. Everyone must wear a lifejacket at all times.

Relay of Voices
In 2019, six dancer-athletes comprising “Relay of Voices” will relay run the length of the Mississippi River and make stops in 104 of the cities and towns along the way. In each community they’ll partner up with residents to learn about their individual lives and the community as a whole. Practicing physical remembering, the athletes will use their bodies as their notebooks, storing not only the facts - somebody said this, or did that – but also the feelings, the nuances of what it means to be a body in that place and time. That visit will culminate with a choreographed celebration relaying the river voices already gathered for the community and its people. Relay is diving deep into rural America, as the heartbeat of the river flows in every small community, their histories and their present days, their very ways of life.
In advance of this larger expedition, the Relay Team is coming to Clarksdale this September to participate in the Water/Ways Exhibition and learn more about the Clarksdale community. They are interested to meet residents from the area who have a relationship with the Mississippi River and other surrounding natural resources. Based in Chicago, IL, the Relay Team is also interested to connect with Clarksdale residents who have ties there due to the 1927 Flood and the Great Migration. Through a choreographed dialogue, the Team will listen and move together with the Clarksdale community and carry home a new knowledge of life in Mississippi and on the Mississippi.

Smithsonian Museum Day- Free Admission to Delta Blues Museum with ticket
Free admission to the Delta Blues Museum with a Smithsonian Museum ticket
Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. The Museum Day ticket provides free admission for two people on Saturday, September 22, 2018.
Tickets will be available for the public to download beginning at midnight on August 15, 2018.
Where will your curiosity lead you this Museum Day?
Let us know @MuseumDay #MuseumDay
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/museumday/museum-day-2018/#VLhkqWbG1gc3fzLP.99
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