Day 3: Leadership
Day 3: Leadership
Island 63-Island 69
Yesterday we talked about how we feel like different people on the river. Today we challenged each kid to find their river name, the name that fits who they are on the river. I can’t tell you how they picked them, that’s up to them, but by the end of the day, they were different people.
We started the day by paddling a little way into Melwood Lake. We saw tons of fish and snakes right at the surface of the slow-moving water. This slow moving water actual divides Arkansas and Mississippi and you can swim between the two in just a few feet.
Maybe it was the new names or the fact that we are three days into this journey but they have all changed drastically from Day 1. They were all brave, to begin with, but now they are confident. About 30 minutes before we reached our campsite it started pouring rain and when we pulled into camp we were all wet, cold and tired. But every person knew what needed to happen and they jumped straight to work setting up camp and getting a fire started.
When the rain stopped we enjoyed our beautiful campsite on Island 69. We reflected on how, here in nature, all those things that bother us back on shore fall away. Tomorrow is our last day on the river and we are planning to “make the most of every moment”, as Wild Otter (previously known as Johnny) says.